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Our Culture

Our associates find that Cahill stands apart due to the uncommon degree of respect for individuality that permeates our culture. We are large enough to handle top flight, complex matters for important clients, and also small enough to treat each of our associates as an individual, allowing each of them to develop as an attorney at their own pace.

At Cahill, our culture of professionalism, mutual respect and appreciation for each other's individuality fosters a welcoming and rewarding environment where people work together in the way that best suits our clients’ needs and promotes career satisfaction in our attorneys.

Our Team

To our associates we offer the full support and trust of the partners who are all dedicated to the future of the firm. If you want to thrive in an environment that’s truly vibrant and rewards your intelligence, your dedication, and your enthusiasm for your work, this is a great place to be. You will be trusted here to do great work and to get experiences that will take you very far.

Our Vision

Our vision is to do what we do exceptionally well, to be of a size where we can really know one another and build relationships with people, and to give our attorneys the opportunity to learn and grow at a rate that is unmatched in the industry.

Our Location in New York

Our commitment to the Financial District in New York City is heartfelt – we’ve celebrated over 100 years of success here – and just moved into brand new space at 32 Old Slip. FiDi is a dynamic and transit-centric neighborhood with a diversity of businesses, restaurants, culture, shopping, and residential living unavailable elsewhere.

Our Culture

The free market system allows our associates to pursue the work that interests them most and gives them a real say in their development and career trajectory. It also holds all of us accountable as mentors and teachers. We’re all motivated to grow by this system, as people and professionals, all of the time. That means that when we think about what we value and how we operate, we think about how people should be treated, and the best ways to help them succeed. It’s an inclusive culture and a system that really depends on – and celebrates – diversity and teamwork.

Our Values

At Cahill, our values demonstrate our care for really important things. Initiative – trusting you with responsibilities as you are ready for them. Creativity & Intellect – giving you the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to the work of the firm. Personal Growth – giving you the feedback you deserve to continue to move forward. Diversity – creating an environment where lawyers from all backgrounds thrive.