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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives

Affinity Groups

Cahill's Affinity groups, which are open to all, provide an additional support network and resource for our attorneys. We encourage formal and informal mentoring within members of affinity groups and support internal and external professional and social events that can foster professional relationships and friendships. Affinity events are held periodically and may be as formal as attendance at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund annual awards dinner or our annual reception sponsored by our Women’s Initiative Committee, or as informal as a dim sum lunch celebrating Asian-American traditions.

ASMENA Affinity Group

Our ASMENA affinity group includes lawyers with Asian, Middle Eastern, North African, Native American and Pacific Islander heritage. We hold dim sum and other luncheons and dinners, and have sponsored events including celebrations of lunar new year and Diwali, and AALDEF's annual cocktail party.

Partner Liaison: Ann Creed

Black Lawyers Group

Our Black Lawyers group hosts lunches and formal dinners as well as having sponsored the NAACP LDF and Harlem RBI organizations and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association. The group has also participated in our Legal Outreach Internship.

Partner Liaison: Stuart Downing

Hispanic/Latinx Affinity Group

Our Hispanic/Latinx affinity group holds periodic lunches and dinners, and also has participated in our Legal Outreach Internship.

Partner Liaison: Mark E. Loftus

LGBTQ & Allies Affinity Group

Our LGBTQ & Allies affinity group holds casual and formal dinners, and has sponsored events for the Sage Awards & Gala, Empire State Pride Agenda, Lambda Liberty Awards, LGBT Community Center Awards as well as the ACLU LGBT & AIDS Project’s Attorney Reception and TLDEF’s Annual LGBT Pride Reception.

Partner Liaison: Sean Davis

Working Parents Affinity Group

Our working parents group hosts outside speakers on topics of interest to men and women who are working parents.  The group also hosts informal lunches where parents and expectant parents discuss balancing work and family. We share stories of work/life juggling, discuss practical solutions for common parenting tips dilemmas, and focus on other matters of interest to our working parents.

Partner Liaison: Brockton B. Bosson and Juliana Obregon

Women's Initiatives Committee

The Women’s Initiatives Committee focuses on the firm's efforts to recruit, retain, develop, and mentor women lawyers and promote women as leaders within the firm and the broader legal community. The Women’s Initiatives Committee coordinates Cahill’s women’s initiatives, which include speaker and networking events, professional development and mentoring, and community outreach, and is a platform for women lawyers to discuss and address areas of particular concern or interest to women lawyers.

Partner Liaison: Tammy Roy

  • Being a member of Cahill’s Hispanic/Latinx Affinity Group has allowed me to share my heritage with other colleagues in a relaxed, fun environment. Cahill has set up a mentoring program that connects senior and junior associates of shared heritage and provides a valuable base upon which to navigate our careers.

    — Juliana Obregon, Partner, Hispanic/Latinx Affinity Group