Cahill Announces Another Record-Setting Year at Top of Bank Lending Legal Advisory League Tables
Date: 01/11/12
Cahill's prominence advising lead arrangers in bank lending transactions was reflected in Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corporation's 2011 Legal League Tables, including number one rankings in U.S. leveraged transactions and M&A loan categories.
Thomson Reuters ranked Cahill as the number one legal advisor to lead arrangers of leveraged loans in 2011, participating in 104 transactions the generated over $110 billion in aggregate gross proceeds and capturing a 26% share of the U.S. leveraged loan market. Cahill also ranked second in the overall leveraged lending category, representing borrower or arranger.
A consistent leader in representing lead arrangers in M&A loan transactions, Cahill ranked first by deal count and third by volume in this category, advising in 41 deals that generated approximately $34 billion in aggregate gross proceeds, capturing a 15% of the U.S. M&A lending market in 2011.