Cahill Takes Home Top Spots in H1 2020 Refinitiv Loan Connector League Tables
Date: 08/05/20
Cahill's Capital Markets & Lending practice achieved top rankings across a multitude of categories in Refinitiv Loan Connector’s league tables for the first half of 2020. Once again, Cahill was named the #1 legal adviser to lead arrangers of leveraged loans. In the first half of 2020, Cahill advised lead arrangers on 82 transactions, earning 36.80% of the market share by volume, and generating more than $100.3 billion in aggregate gross proceeds, an amount greater than the total proceeds earned by the next five highest-ranking firms combined. Cahill has been the top-ranked legal adviser to lead arrangers of leveraged loans since 2010. In total across all roles, Cahill participated in 94 loan transactions and generated more than $115 billion in aggregate gross proceeds in H1 2020.