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DOJ Launches New FCPA Self-Reporting Pilot Program

Date: 04/13/16

On April 5, 2016, the Fraud Section of the Department of Justice (“DOJ”) released a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (“FCPA”) “Enforcement Plan and Guidance” memorandum (“Memo”), launching a one-year pilot program designed to incentivize business organizations to voluntarily self-report FCPA-related wrongdoing. Part of the DOJ’s ongoing effort to “deter individuals and companies from engaging in FCPA violations,” the pilot program is intended to augment the Fraud Section’s prosecutorial function by providing a greater degree of coherence and transparency to companies regarding the benefits of self-reporting and cooperating.

CGR Memo - DOJ Launches New FCPA Self-Reporting Pilot Program.pdf (pdf | 248.53 KB )