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SEC Issues Further Guidance on Cybersecurity Disclosure

Date: 03/01/18

On February 21, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission released interpretive guidance to assist public companies in complying with federal securities laws as they relate to cybersecurity risks and incidents. The release, which reaffirms and expands on guidance issued by the Division of Corporation Finance in 2011, provides detailed insight into the Commission’s views on how to assess materiality of cybersecurity risks and incidents when preparing the disclosures that are required under the securities laws and urges companies to implement and assess cybersecurity-related policies and procedures.

Attached is the firm memorandum discussing the Commission's release.

Should you have any questions about the memorandum, please feel free to contact the persons identified at the end of the memo or your regular Cahill contacts.  Cahill regularly publishes memoranda covering a variety of legal developments. To access copies and search our archive, click here.

SEC Issues Further Guidance on Cybersecurity Disclosure (pdf | 211.33 KB )